Home BUY SMART Save Money on Store Brand and Private Label Contact Lenses

Save Money on Store Brand and Private Label Contact Lenses

by Barry Silver
save on store brand contacts


You might get your contact lenses from America’s Best, Lenscrafters, Pearle Vision, Vision Source, Visionworks, Walmart, or other stores.

You might also think it’s your only option. After all, your contact lens prescription designates the brand your optometrist selected for you.

Well, we have some news for you, which is bound to save you money…

Private label contacts are not your only option

Chances are, when your prescription comes from one of the providers mentioned above (and below), you’re actually buying contact lenses made by a leading brand but rebranded as a “store brand.”

Translation: you’re buying private label contacts and you may be over-paying for them.

You may not realize this simple fact: many popular contact lens brands are sold under different names. See, many retailers purchase contact lenses from a manufacturer then “private label” them.

For example, Lenscrafters offers multiple “store brands” of contact lenses which are actually made by Biofinity, Clariti, MyDay, and others (see the table below for nearly 100 examples of rebranded contact lenses).

Case in point, Biomedics, a CooperVision contact lenses brand, are sold under 25 different store brand names.

So, beware: you may be paying more than you have to.

You can simply switch to the original brand—and save

In many cases, you can get the same high-quality lenses—by their original name brand—from EZContacts, and spend less for them. And there’s no need to get a new prescription from your eye doctor.

Here are close to 100 private label brands available at EZContacts

We have created the table below to make it easy to find the brand you need. Click the links to discover if you can get the SAME product for LESS! Also, you can use the search bar to find your brand or filter the list by the rebranded name, supplier, or manufacturer.

Sofmed Toric WeekliesAmerica's BestCooperVisionBIOMEDICS TORIC
Sofmed breathables XW toricAmerica's BestCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Sofmed breathables XW multifocal (N)America's BestCooperVisionBIOFINITY MULTIFOCAL
Sofmed breathables XW multifocal (D)America's BestCooperVisionBIOFINITY MULTIFOCAL
Sofmed breathables XWAmerica's BestCooperVisionBIOFINITY
Sofmed breathables advanced toricAmerica's BestCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
Sofmed breathables advancedAmerica's BestCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
Sofmed breathables 1-Day ToricAmerica's BestCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY TORIC (90 PACK)
Sofmed breathables 1-DayAmerica's BestCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Sofmed 55America's BestCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Sofmed 1-Day dAmerica's BestCooperVisionCLEARSIGHT 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Kirkland Signature Premium Daily DisposableCostcoCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE (30 PACK)
Natural Eyes HydraWear XWEye Glass WorldCooperVisionBIOFINITY
Natural Eyes HydraWear 1-DayEye Glass WorldCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Natural Eyes HydraWear (2 week)Eye Glass WorldCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
Prosite 55 AsphericFor EyesCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Ray-Ban 1-Day MultifocalLenscraftersCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY MULTIFOCAL (90 PACK)
Ray-Ban 1-Day for AstigmatismLenscraftersCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY TORIC (90 PACK)
Ray-Ban 1-DayLenscraftersCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Lenscrafters One Day Premium for AstigmatismLenscraftersCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE TORIC (30 PACK)
Lenscrafters One Day Daily DisposableLenscraftersBausch & LombBIOTRUE ONEDAY (90 PACK)
Lenscrafters Monthly Modern LifestyleLenscraftersCooperVisionBIOFINITY ENERGIES
Lenscrafters Monthly for AstigmatismLenscraftersCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Lenscrafters Monthly MultifocalLenscraftersCooperVisionBIOFINITY MULTIFOCAL
Lenscrafters MonthlyLenscraftersCooperVisionBIOFINITY
1-Day PremiumLenscraftersCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE (30 PACK)
1-Day Flat Pack  (discontinued as Lenscrafters PL)LenscraftersMeniconMIRU 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Polysoft 55 AsphericPearle VisionCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Pearle Vision Monthly MultifocalPearle VisionCooperVisionBIOFINITY MULTIFOCAL
Pearle Vision Monthly for AstigmatismPearle VisionCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Pearle Vision MonthlyPearle VisionCooperVisionBIOFINITY
Pearle Vision 2 Week for AstigmatismPearle VisionCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY TORIC
Pearle Vision 2 WeekPearle VisionCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
Pearle Vision 1 Day MultifocalPearle VisionCooperVisionCLARIT 1-DAY MULTOFOCAL (90 PACK)
Pearle Vision 1 Day for AstigmatismPearle VisionCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY TORIC (90 PACK)
Pearle Vision 1 Day PremiumPearle VisionCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE 90 PACK
Pearle Vision 1 DayPearle VisionCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Flextique 55 AsphericShopko OpticalCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Sterling 55 AsphericSterling OpticalCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Target 55 AsphericTargetCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Mediflex Supreme 1 Day ToricVariousCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE TORIC (30 PACK)
Mediflex Supreme 1 DayVariousCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE 90 PACK
Mediflex Hydra 1 DayVariousCooperVisionPROCLEAR 1-DAY (90 pack)
Mediflex Elite ToricVariousCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Mediflex Elite MultifocalVariousCooperVisionBIOFINITY MULTIFOCAL
Mediflex Aquafinity 116 ToricVariousCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Mediflex 55 AsphericVariousCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
AquaTech ToricVariousCooperVisionBIOMEDICS TORIC
AquaTech Plus Premium ToricVariousCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Aquatech Plus PremiumVariousCooperVisionBIOFINITY
Aquatech Plus II ToricVariousCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY TORIC
Aquatech Plus IIVariousCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
AquaTech Plus 1-Day ToricVariousCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY TORIC (30 PACK)
Aquatech Plus 1-Day MultifocalVariousCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY MULTIFOCAL (30 PACK)
Aquatech 1-Day dVariousCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (90 PACK)
UltraFlex ToricVarious RegionalCooperVisionBIOMEDICS TORIC
UltraFlex II AsphericVarious RegionalCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
iWear OxygenVarious RegionalCooperVisionBIOFINITY
iWear HarmonyVarious RegionalCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE (30 PACK)
iWear BalanceVarious RegionalCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
iWear ActivVarious RegionalCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Aqualite 55 Pro AsphericVarious RegionalCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Aqualens 55 AsphericVarious RegionalCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Voyant 1 Day ToricVision SourceCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY TORIC (30 PACK)
Voyant 1 Day Premium ToricVision SourceCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE TORIC (30 PACK)
Voyant 1 Day PremiumVision SourceCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE 90 PACK
Voyant 1 Day MultifocalVision SourceCooperVisionCLARITY 1-DAY TORIC (30 PACK)
Voyant 1 DayVision SourceCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Reveal ToricVision SourceCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE TORIC (30 PACK)
RevealVision SourceCooperVisionMYDAY DAILY DISPOSABLE (30 PACK)
Fresh Day MultifocalVision SourceCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY MULTIFOCAL (90 PACK)
Fresh Day MultifocalVision SourceCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY MULTIFOCAL (90 PACK)
Fresh Day for AstigmatismVision SourceCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY TORIC (30 PACK)
Fresh DayVision SourceCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY (30 PACK)
Aquaclear ToricVision SourceCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Aquaclear PremiumVision SourceCooperVisionBIOFINITY ENERGIES
Aquaclear MultifocalVision SourceCooperVisionBIOFINITY MULTIFOCAL
Aquaclear 110 ToricVision SourceCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY TORIC
Aquaclear 110Vision SourceCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
AquaclearVision SourceCooperVisionBIOFINITY
Ethos AquaTech Monthly MultifocalVisionworksCooperVisionBIOFINITY MULTIFOCAL
Ethos AquaTech Monthly for AstigmatismVisionworksCooperVisionBIOFINITY TORIC
Ethos AquaTech MonthlyVisionworksCooperVisionBIOFINITY
Ethos AquaTech 2 Week for AstigmatismVisionworksCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY TORIC
Ethos AquaTech 2 WeekVisionworksCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY
Ethos AquaTech 1 Day MultifocalVisionworksCooperVisionCLARITI 1-DAY MULTIFOCAL (90 PACK)
Ethos AquaTech 1 Day for AstigmatismVisionworksCooperVisionAVAIRA VITALITY TORIC
Ethos AquaTech 1 DayVisionworksCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
eureka! MonthlyWalmartBausch & LombBAUSH AND LOMB ULTRA
eureka!WalmartBausch & LombBIOTRUE ONEDAY (90 PACK)
Equate Monthly WalmartBausch & LombPUREVISION 2
Equate 1-DayWalmartCooperVisionCLEARSIGHT 1-DAY (90 PACK)
Equate (2 week) for AstigmatismWalmartCooperVisionBIOMEDICS TORIC
Equate (2 week) AsphericWalmartCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
Clinasoft 55 Aspheric ToricWalmartCooperVisionBIOMEDICS TORIC
Clinasoft 55 AsphericWalmartCooperVisionBIOMEDICS 55 PREMIER
ScoutWarby ParkerMeniconMIRU 1-DAY (90 PACK)

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