Home SEE WELL The Facts About “Get the Red Out” Eyedrops

The Facts About “Get the Red Out” Eyedrops

by Courtney Dryer
eye drops for red eyes


“Get the red out” eye drops are often advertised as a quick, easy solution for red, irritated eyes. They are popular, cheap, and readily available.

Who hasn’t picked up one of these at the drugstore for a reoccurring red eye? But are they safe for long-term use?

While these products can temporarily reduce redness, they often contain ingredients called vasoconstrictors that constrict blood vessels to alleviate redness for a short time. Unfortunately, chronic use of these eye drops can lead to long-term eye health issues, including “rebound redness,” worsening dryness, and even more serious eye conditions.

Rebound redness

One of the most common issues with using “get the red out” eye drops is rebound redness. Rebound redness occurs when the initial effects of the eye drops wear off, and the blood vessels in the eye dilate more than they had before. The result is an eye that appears redder than it was initially.

When these drops are used regularly, the blood vessels in the eyes can become dependent on them, leading to frequent use to manage the red eye. Instead of alleviating the redness, these drops are contributing to its persistence. The continual vasoconstriction and dilation of blood vessels may cause them to be more red and more noticeable, exacerbating the problem they were purchased to solve.

Risk of dependence

Due to rebound redness, frequent use of “get the red out” drops can lead to dependence. When drop users repeatedly experience relief from redness after using the drops, they may begin to need the drops to maintain a normal eye appearance. They fail to address the underlying causes of a red eye such as allergies, dry eyes, or contact lens-related issues.

Dryness and irritation

The vasoconstrictors and preservatives in the “get the red out” drops can also contribute to eye dryness and irritation. These drops don’t balance the tear film, which means they don’t improve ocular health or comfort.

Dry eyes are a common condition for many people including those who spend extended periods looking at screens, live in dry environments, or experience hormonal changes. These issues are better addressed with an alternative drop.

See our article about artificial tears for safe, alternative suggestions.

Underlying health issues

Red eyes are often a symptom of underlying issues such as allergies, infections or contact lens issues. By using the “get the red out” drops to temporarily reduce redness, eye conditions may be ignored or overlooked. This can delay proper diagnosis and treatment, allowing conditions to worsen or become chronic.

Patients with corneal ulcers or corneal inflammation may mask the redness with drops without addressing the issues which could lead to permanent scarring or vision loss.

Risk of pupil dilation

Visine and other eye drops containing tetrahydrozoline, a vasoconstrictor can sometimes cause pupil dilation as a side effect. This reaction isn’t common for most users, but it can happen, especially if the drops are used in higher-than-recommended amounts.

The most common “get the red out” drops

Visine Red Eye Comfort (Visine Original)
Active ingredient: Tetrahydrozoline

    Visine is the most famous brand of red-eye relief. Its original formula uses tetrahydrozoline as a vasoconstrictor to reduce redness temporarily; however, prolonged use can lead to rebound redness and dependency.

    Clear Eyes Redness Relief
    Active ingredient: Naphazoline

    Clear Eyes is available in several formulations, but the redness formula specifically targets blood vessel constriction. The brand is widely available and popular but comes with the same risks as other vasoconstrictor-based drops.

    Rohto Cool Redness Relief Drops
    Active ingredients: Naphazoline and Menthol

    Rohto drops are popular for their cooling sensation . The redness-relief formulation contains naphazoline to reduce redness and menthol provides the cooling effect. Just like other vasoconstrictors, these drops can lead to rebound redness with frequent use.

    Active ingredients: Naphazoline and Pheniramine Maleate

    Opcon-A is a brand produced by Bausch + Lomb, which combines a vasoconstrictor (naphazoline) with an antihistamine (pheniramine maleate for red eyes caused by allergies. It may temporarily relieve redness and itching but may lead to dependence and dryness if used excessively. It is also a common culprit for a dilated pupil.

    Lumify Redness Reliever Eye Drops
    Active ingredient: Brimonidine Tartrate

    Lumify is a newer product by Bausch + Lomb that uses brimonidine tartrate, a unique vasoconstrictor that claims to avoid some of the rebound redness associated with older formulations. Though typically safer for repeated use, it’s still important to follow usage guidelines to avoid long-term risks and to see a doctor to diagnosis the reason for your red eyes.

    Active ingredients: Naphazoline and Pheniramine Maleate

    Similar to Opcon-A, Naphcon-A combines naphazoline with an antihistamine for allergy-related redness and itching. It’s very popular for allergy-induced red eyes but should be used sparingly to avoid dependency and rebound redness. If you have allergies, over-the-counter drops like Pataday are better.

    While “get the red out” eye drops are a convenient solution for temporary redness their risks can outweigh the benefits with frequent or prolonged use.

    These drops can lead to rebound redness, dependence, dryness, and mask underlying ocular issues.

    If you are looking for a temporary fix until you can see a doctor, see our guide to the best artificial tears and the vast selection we offer here. If you have red eyes or eye irritation that persists, you should see your eye doctor and avoid over-the-counter vasoconstrictor drops.

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