If you’re shopping for glasses for the first time, you may wonder what factors matter most. Is it your second, third, fourth, or fifth time? Perhaps you’re wondering if you’ve made good choices in the past.
But who knows? You may shop for eyewear every year or multiple times each year, theoretically making you wiser, and more discriminating. In any case, a little education could go a long way in increasing your post-purchase satisfaction.
In an effort to be your trusted eyewear advisor, we present a list of 11 things to consider (or not). Some of the tips that follow are “guidelines” or “good-to-knows.” Some are subjective, particularly when it comes to fashion. You know what they say about rules; they’re meant to be broken.
Whether you embrace every tip that follows—or not—the tips we cover here will help you become a more informed shopper for what is clearly a purchase you should enjoy day after day.